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    Англоязычные доклады конференции опубликованы в журнале "IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)", vol. 969, 2020 (посмотреть на сайте издательства). Все статьи проиндексированы в наукометрической базе Scopus.

    Русскоязычные доклады конференции будут опубликованы в журнале "Машиностроение: сетевой электронный научный журнал", №2, 2020 (посмотреть на сайте издательства). Все статьи будут проиндексированы в наукометрической базе РИНЦ.

    Фамилии авторов, название доклада
    Секция 1. Материаловедение и физикохимия материалов
    1_1_1Mirzaev D.A., Okishev K.Yu., Lapina I.V.
    Austenite to Ferrite Transformation in Fe–9 %Cr Alloys. II. Determination of Growth Rates
    1_1_2E. P. Nikolaeva
    Special case of destruction of the end mill made of high-speed steel powder
    1_1_3Eremin Е. N., Losev А. S., Borodikhin S. А.
    Heat resistance of nickel-manganese-molybdenum steel with boron-nitride hardening
    1_1_4Nasibullina O. A., Rizvanov R. G.
    Investigation of the effect of sulfide inclusions on the hydrogen separation of metal
    1_1_5Kulikov A. A., Balanovskiy A. E., Grechneva M. V.
    Microstructure and mechanical properties of the wire arc additively manufactured Sv-08G2S steel
    1_1_6Egorov I. N., Egorova S. I., Egorov N. Ya.
    X-ray diffraction analysis by Williamson-Hall method of strontium hexaferrite lattice features after mechanical milling
    1_1_7Davydenko L. V. , Egorova Yu. B., Mamonov I. M.
    Comparison of the Strength Properties of Heat-Resistant Titanium Alloys at Elevated Temperatures
    1_1_8Brover A. V., Brover G. I., Topolskaya I. A.
    Wear resistance structural aspects of materials after laser processing
    1_1_9Pustovoit V. N., Dolgachev Yu. V., Aref’eva L. P.
    Martensite Nucleation under Conditions of Austenite Superplasticity and External Magnetic Field
    1_1_10Pachurin G. V., Fillipov А. А., Mukhina M. V.
    Rolled Stock Structure Preparation for Cold Forging of Pearlite Steel Grades
    1_1_11Khlybov A. A., Anosov M. S., Ryabov D. A.
    Study of the features of damage accumulation in steel 12Cr18Ni10Ti at low temperatures using non-destructive testing methods
    1_1_12Насимов Ж.А.
    информационно-логическое моделирование новой методики по оценке качества результатов технологического процесса разрушения и бурения
    1_1_13Reznik P. L., Redikultsev A. A., Lobanov M. L.
    Effect of Special Misorientations – Crystallographic Ordered Boundaries in Recrystallization in Aluminium Alloy of Al-Si-Mg System
    1_1_14Poletskov P. P., Kuznetsova A. S., Nikitenko O. A.
    Choosing the Rational Heat Treatment Conditions for High-Strength Cold-Resistant Weldable Steel with Yield Strength of more than 600 N/mm2
    1_1_16Mukhametzyanova G. F., Shveyova T. V., Astaschenko V. I.
    Microalloyed steels for car parts
    1_1_17Maisuradze M. V., Ryzhkov M. A., Lebedev D. I.
    An Analytical Model for Calculation of the Steel Hardness after Continuous Cooling
    1_1_18Yudin Yu. V., Maisuradze M. V., Lebedev P. D.
    The Features of Bainite Transformation in Alloyed Steels
    1_1_19Zaitsev A. I., Koldaev A. V., Arutyunyan N. A.
    Influence of the thermal deformation treatment on the structural state and properties of Ti-Mo microalloyed steels of the ferritic class
    1_1_20Zaitsev A. I., Rodionova I. G., Koldaev A. V.
    Study of methods for increasing ductility and formability of cold-rolled Ti-stabilized IF steels
    1_1_21Goryachko A. I., Ivanin S. N., Buzko V. Yu.
    Electromagnetic properties of composite materials based on Nd-compound modified Fe-Si-Al alloy
    1_1_22Mikhailov G. G., Makrovets L. A., Samoilova O. V.
    Thermodynamic Analysis of the Deoxidation Ability of Aluminum in the Melt of the Fe–Cr–C System at 1600 °С
    1_1_23Shaparev A. V., Savin I. A., Ptichkin S. N.
    Application of the polymeric material RIMAMID for production of machine parts
    1_1_24Yurev B. P., Dudko V. A., Korelin A. V.
    Action Planning for Improvement of Design and Operating Parameters of Ball-Bearing Steel Tube Annealing
    1_1_25Mayorov D. V., Gorbacheva T. T., Velyaev Yu. O.
    Graphical Representation Reliability of Experimental Data Concerning to Structural and Surface Properties of Substances
    1_1_26Astashchenko V. I., Shveyova T. V., Shveyov A. I.
    Thermal treatment of cemented alloyed steels for the cold plastic deformation
    1_1_27Malkov V. B., Chemezov O. V., Malkov A. V.
    Study of Physical Properties and Physical Processes in Nano-thin Spatial Dissipative Structures
    1_1_28Malkov V. B., Chemezov O. V., Malkov A. V.
    Aperiodic Schrodinger crystals
    1_1_30Kochetkova Ye. A., Starodubtsev Yu. N., Tsepelev V. S.
    Kinematic Viscosity of Melt Prepared from an Amorphous Fe72.5Cu1Nb2Mo1.5Si14B9 Ribbon
    1_1_31Sherstyuk D. P., Starikov A. Yu., Zhivulin V. E.
    Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Zn0.3Ni0.7-xCoxFe2O4 Ferrite
    1_1_32Illarionov A. G., Ushakova A. S., Vodolazsky F. V.
    ThermoCalc Modelling of the Effect of Chemical Composition on the Phase Transformations Temperatures of Ti-0.4Al Alloy
    1_1_33Pavlova I. A., Getman A. A., Farafontova E. P.
    The Possibility of Using Tyumen Keramzite Clay in the Production of Ceramic Materials
    1_1_34Pavlova I. A., Getman A. A., Farafontova E. P.
    Technogenic raw materials in high-alumina chamotte production
    1_1_35Lobanov M. L., Reznik P. L., Redikultsev A. A.
    Features of Shear Banding in Grains with Orientation {111}<110> in the Fe–3%Si Alloy
    1_1_36Zhakupova A. T., Bogomolov A. V., Zhakupov A. N.
    The Influence of the Initial Billet on the Mechanical Properties of Pipes
    1_1_37Kochuev D. A., Raznoschikov A. S., Chkalov R. V.
    Ablative Laser Processing of Metals and Dielectrics in an Electrostatic Field
    1_1_38Zhivulin V., Zaitseva O., Vinnik D.
    Correlation between Iron Substitution Degree in the M-Type Hexaferrites Based Crystal Structures and Dopant Content in the Crystal Growth Feeding Melt
    1_1_39Zhivulin V., Zezyulina P., Vasijeva A.
    Investigation of Microwave Characteristics of a Composite Based on Copper-Substituted Nickel-Zinc Ferrite
    1_1_40Bogomolov A. V., Kanaev A. T., Sarsembaeva T. E.
    Determination of Mechanical Characteristics Plasma Hardened Wheel Steel
    1_1_41Перевозчиков Д.В.
    Исследование причин неоднородности структуры труб из стали марки 08Х18Н10Т
    1_1_42Брык А.В., Рущиц С.В.
    Превращение аустенита малоуглеродистых марок стали в условиях непрерывного охлаждения
    1_1_43Стариков А.Ю.
    Разработка физико-химических основ получения замещенного титаном гексаферрита бария методом твердофазного синтеза
    1_1_44Рязанов А.Г.
    Исследования в области переработки цинксодержащих материалов для удаления галогенов и оценка применения микроволнового прокаливания
    1_1_45Гафаров М.Ф.
    Прогнозирование структуры и свойств трубных сталей методами машинного обучения
    1_1_46Павлова К.П.
    Функциональные порошковые материалы
    Секция 2. Теория и технология пирометаллургических процессов
    1_2_1Nemchinova N. V., Hoang V. V., Tyutrin A. A.
    Formation of Impurity Inclusions in Silicon when Smelting in Ore-Thermal Furnaces
    1_2_2Molchanov L. S., Boichenko B. M., Synehin Ye. V.
    Resource Saving Design of High Resistible Lining of a Teeming Ladle
    1_2_3Ryazanov A. G., Senin А. V., Kornilov N. A.
    The Effect of Temperature and Roasting Time on the Conversion of Zinc Ferrite to Zinc Oxide in the Electric Arc Furnace Dust
    1_2_4Matushkin A. V., Anakhov S. V., Kharina G. V.
    On the Efficiency of Nitrogen-Containing Gaseous Waste Plasma Afterburning
    1_2_5Шкирмонтов A.П.
    извлечение ведущего элемента и энергетические параметры при выплавке ферросплавов в электропечах
    1_2_6Tyutrin A. A., Nemchinova N. V., Baranov A. N.
    Analysis of Steel Slag Composition and Properties to Facilitate the Search for Rational Slag Recycling Methods
    1_2_7Voronov G. V., Glukhov I. V.
    Thermal and Physical Properties of Methane Family Hydrocarbon and Oxygen Combustion Products in State-of-the-Art Arc Steel Furnace
    1_2_8Agapitov E. B., Sokolova M. S., Lemeshko M. A.
    Mathematical Modelling of the Thermal State of a Ladle During Arc Heating of the Melt
    1_2_9Efimov A. V., Potapov M. G., Kuts N. A.
    High Temperature Treatment of Castings from Steel Grade 150KhNM
    1_2_10Efimov A. V., Potapov M. G., Kuts N. A.
    Effect of External Integrated Treatment on the Structure and Properties of the Castings from Steel Grade 35L
    1_2_11Matushkina I. Yu., Anakhov S. V., Pyckin Yu. A.
    Methods for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gas Vortex Stabilization in Plasma Torches for Metal Cutting
    1_2_12Salina V. A., Zhuchkov V. I., Zayakin O. V.
    Thermodynamic Simulation of Reduction Processes at the Production of Ferrochrome
    1_2_13Yurev B. P., Dudko V. A.
    Research of Iron-Rich Pellet Oxide Reduction by Carbon
    1_2_14Kolmachikhina O. B., Polygalov S. E., Lobanov V. G.
    Research of Possibility of Processing of Oxidized Nickel Ore by Chloride Sublimation Roasting Technology
    1_2_15Perevalov Yu., Demidovich V.
    Simulation of Physical Fields in Induction Hardening Technology - from Digital Twin to New Technology
    1_2_16Sheshukov O. Yu., Mikheenkov M. M., Vedmid L. B.
    Features of Technogenic Iron Oxide Recovery
    1_2_17Смирнов К.
    Распространение твердофазного восстановления железа в слое ильменитового концентрата
    1_2_18Адилов Г.
    Комплексная переработка медеплавильных шлаков с получением востребованных продуктов нефтяного и металлургических производств
    1_2_19Косдаулетов Н.
    Оценка селективного восстановления железа и фосфора из марганцевых руд разного генезиса
    1_2_20Kapelyushin Yu.
    Alternative Processing of Titanomagnetite Concentrate
    1_2_21Сулеймен Б.
    Твердофазное восстановление бурых железняков Аятского месторождения с предварительным окислительным обжигом
    1_2_22Табылбаева А.
    Оценка влияния температуры и времени выдержки на количественные параметры выделения металлической фазы при карботермическом твердофазном восстановлении железа
    Секция 3. Теория и технология гидрометаллургических процессов
    1_3_1Boshnyak M. V., Kolmachikhina O. B., Kolmachikhina E. B.
    Oxidized Nickel Ore and Galvanic Sludge Combined Treatment Investigation
    1_3_2Bulaev A. G., Melamud V. S.
    Effect of Organic Nutrients and Elevated Temperature on Bioleaching of Sulfide Copper Concentrate
    1_3_3Makoskaya O. Yu., Kostromin K. S., Bryantseva N. I.
    Hydrometallurgical Technology for Processing of Galvanic Sludges
    1_3_4Shoppert A. A., Loginova I. V., Napol’skikh J. A.
    Obtaining of Pigment-Quality Magnetite from Sintering Process Red Mud
    1_3_5Valnev V. A., Lobanov V. G., Bludova D. I.
    Anodic Dissolution of Non-Ferrous Metals in a Glycerate-Alkali Electrolyte
    1_3_6Nechvoglod O. V., Pikalov S. M.
    Study of the Mechanism for Forming a Passivating Layer under Electrochemical Oxidation of Copper (I) Sulfide
    Секция 4. Современные проблемы литейного производства
    1_4_1Makarov A. N., Krupnov A. V.
    Heat exchange in high-power arc steel furnace when the height of the slag layer changes
    1_4_2Saulin D. V., Poylov V. Z., Uglev N. P.
    Effusion mechanism of ?-layer formation in vacuum casting of titanium alloys
    1_4_3Sotnikov А. L., Sholomitskii А. А., Strichenko S. М.
    Study of the Principles for Ensuring the Accuracy of CCM Design Parameters
    1_4_4Boldyrev D. A., Popova L. I., Tokarev A. A.
    Investigation of Influence of Silicon Carbide Phase and Chemical Composition on its Recovery
    1_4_5Gabelchenko N. I., Kidalov N. A., Belov A. A.
    Increasing the strength properties of gray iron castings without introducing additional modifying and alloying additives into its composition
    1_4_6Rutskii D. V., Zyuban N. A., Babin G. V.
    The impact of the production stages of grade D steel on its contamination and the chemical composition of nonmetallic inclusions
    1_4_7 Акутин А. А., изотов В. А., Шатульский А. А.
    Литниковая система с центрифугирующим элементом
    1_4_8Trofimov V. N., Pyankov I. N., Pyankov V. A.
    Acoustic Methods for Testing Gas Turbine Engine Blades
    1_4_9Gabelchenko N. I., Belov A. A., Gabelchenko A. I.
    Increasing the service lifetime of a working elements of mixer-pneumosuperchargers for the building mixtures preparation
    1_4_10Kidalov N. A., Grigoreva N. V., Adamova A. S.
    Effect of a Сarbonaceous Additive on the Structure of an Aqueous Sodium Silicate Film on the Surface of a Refractory Chromite Filler
    1_4_11Gavariev R. V., Gavarieva K. N., Soldatkina E. N.
    Features of Design of Chill Molds for Casting of Non-Ferrous Metal
    1_4_12Gavariev R. V., Gavarieva K. N.
    On the Issue of Heat Balance of Molds for Injection Molding of Non-Ferrous Metal Alloys
    1_4_13Znamenskii L. G., Ivochkina O. V., Stepanova T. V.
    Manufacture of Ceramic Molds and Cores from Inorganic Materials Using Permanent
    1_4_15Степанова Т. В.
    Изготовление керамических форм и стержней по постоянным моделям из неорганических материалов
    Секция 5. Обработка материалов давлением
    1_5_1Rumyantsev M. I., Kolybanov A. N., Yesipova O. K.
    The simplifying the calculation of the strip profile during rolling in a four-high mill stand
    1_5_2Belskiy S. M., Shopin I. I.
    On Issue of Strip’s Break during cold Rolling
    1_5_3Okulov R. A., Semenova N. V.
    Simulaling the Faceted Tube Drawing
    1_5_5Belskiy S. M., Shopin I. I.
    Statistical Regression Analysis of Breakages in Cold Rolling
    1_5_6Shimov G. V., Bushueva N. I.
    Study of the Manufacturing Options for an Asymmetric Plate Made of 12X18N10T Steel
    1_5_7Anishchenko O., Kukhar V., Klimov E.
    Investigation of lateral surface contour at forging of billets with upsetting ratio above 2.5
    1_5_8Rednikov S. N., Akhmedyanova E. N., Akhmedyanova K. T.
    Integrated Diagnostic Method Analysis of Use in the Inspection of Rolling Mills
    1_5_9Lezhnev S., Naizabekov A., Panin E.
    Improvement of the Device for Continuous Pressing of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys and Computer Simulation of the Deformation Process in This Device
    1_5_10Savchenko I., Shapoval A., Gurenko A.
    Modeling Dynamic Parameters of Hard Alloys during Shock Wave Regeneration
    1_5_12Zorina M. A., Karabanalov M. S., Loginov Yu. N.
    Surface Texture of Deformed Copper Wire
    1_5_13Erpalov M. V.
    Evaluating the Range of Applicability of Existing Models of Stress Distribution in the Neck Forming on Cylindrical Specimens during Tensile Testing
    1_5_14Chkalova D. G., Raznoschikov A. S.
    Hot isostatic pressing of AISI 6150 steel
    1_5_15Erpalov M. V., Pavlov D. A.
    The Model for Predicting the Radius of Curvature of the Neck Forming on Cylindrical Specimens during Tensile Testing
    1_5_16Stolbovsky A.
    The Use of Finite Mixture Models and EM-Algorithm to Analyze Grain Structure in HPT-Nanostructured Metallic Materials
    1_5_19Illarionov A. G., Stepanov S. I., Demakov S. L.
    Effect of Thermomechanical Treatment Parameters on Structure, Phase Composition and Mechanical Properties of Ti-3Al-5Mo-4.5V Titanium Alloy
    1_5_20Naizabekov A., Lezhnev S., Panin E.
    Computer Simulation of the Metal Deformation Process in an Equal Channel Step Matrix with Additional Backpressure
    1_5_21Stolbovsky A., Popov V., and Falahutdinov R.
    The Structure of Annealed Hafnium Bronze Subjected to Severe Plastic Deformation by High Pressure Torsion
    1_5_22Pellenen A. P., Lisovsky R. A., Zhludov M. A.
    Research of Radial Flattening of Rolls in the Deformation Zone during Sheet Rolling
    1_5_23Koval G. I., Karimova T. G.
    Deformation Cone of Pilger Rolling for Forward and Reverse Motion
    1_5_24Свистун А.С.
    Математическое моделирование энергосиловых параметров волочения алюминиевой проволоки
    1_5_25Громов Д.В.
    Компьютерное моделирование тепловых процессов при прямом прессовании легкоплавких материалов
    1_5_26Сарафанов А.Е.
    Волочение титановой проволоки малых сечений с применением роликовых волок
    1_5_27Сарафанов А.Е.
    Повышение износостойкости рабочих роликов волоки для обработки проволоки из высокопрочных материалов
    Секция 6. Теория и технология сварочного производства
    1_6_1Kuz’min V. I., Lysak V. I., Kuz’min E. V.
    Investigation of the influence of dynamic parameters on the formation, structure and properties of bimetallic compounds during explosion welding with simultaneous stamping
    1_6_2Letyagin I. Yu., Felikan K. V., Belenkiy V. Ya.
    Research of plasma parameters formed in the laser welding area in vacuum
    1_6_3Sitnikov I. V., Trushnikov D. N., Permyakov G. L.
    Research of the Influence of the Rarefaction Degree on the Metal Protection Quality and Geometric Welding Parameters During Arc Welding in the Controlled Atmosphere
    1_6_4Chkalov R. V., Chkalova D. G.
    Laser powder cladding complex: principles of advanced automated control
    1_6_5Dawei Zhao, Ivanov M., Yuanxun Wang
    An Investigation of the Laser Welding Process for Dual-Phase Steel via Regression Analysis
    1_6_6Terentyev E. V., Zhgut D. A., Borodavkina K. T.
    Effect of electron-beam welding speed on weld metal mechanical properties of 5V titanium alloy
    1_6_7Terentyev E. V., Sliva A. P., Santalova Yu. V.
    Effect of welding speed on electron beam welding thermal efficiency
    1_6_8Родякина Р.В., Щербаков А.В., Гапонова Д.А.
    Определение закономерностей взаимодействия электронного пучка с потоком пара в процессе ионизации металла при ЭЛС
    1_6_9Goncharov A. L., Sliva A. P., Kharitonov I. A.
    Dependence of Weld Penetration Shape onF Energy Efficiency in Electron Beam Welding Process
    1_6_10Алрухайми А.Г.
    Исследование влияния температуры начала сварки и группы прочности сварочных материалов на сопротивляемость образованию холодных трещин сварных соединений
    1_6_11Матросов А.А.
    Технология ремонта рогообразных сердечников методом сварки
    1_6_12Лодков Д.В.
    Лазерное поверхностное упрочнение вала из стали 30Х13
    1_6_13Квашнин В.Д.
    Стали криогенного назначения для сварных труб большого диаметра
    1_6_14Дебренев Д.И.
    Усовершенствованная методика оценки результатов испытаний пробы Тэккен
    Секция 7. Аддитивные технологии
    1_7_1Kulikov A. A., Sidorova A. V., Balanovskiy A. E.
    Process design for the wire arc additive manufacturing of a compressor impeller
    1_7_2Yerezhep D., Piterskov P. and Pobirokhin G. S.
    Investigation of the effect of the lighting step on the strength of a ceramic product in 3D printing
    1_7_3Shatagin D., Kabaldin Y. , Kolchin P.
    A Method of Managing Technological Heredity in the Additive Growing of Objects from Cold-Resistant Materials on a Machine with Technology for Electric Arc Welding
    1_7_4Shamray I. I., Buzko V. Yu., Goryachko A. I.
    Changes in the structure and properties of nickel-zinc spinel nanoferrites series for 3D-printing
    1_7_5Sitnikov I. V., Trushnikov D. N., Permyakov G. L.
    Development of a mathematical model of an arc plasma discharge in vacuum, describing the joint solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, heat transfer, with equations of plasma theory
    1_7_6Gushchina M. O., Ivanov S. Yu., Vildanov A. M.
    Effect of temperature field on mechanical properties of direct laser deposited Ti-6Al-4V alloy
    1_7_8Makarenko K. I., Shishkovsky I. V.
    Direct Energy Deposition of Cu-Fe System Functionally Graded Structures
    1_7_9Shcherbakov A. V., Rodyakina R. V., Klyushin R. R.
    Enhancement of Deposition Process Controlling in Electron Beam Metal Wire Deposition Method
    1_7_10Doubenskaia M., Latfulina Yu. S., Samodurova M. N.
    Cold Spray Deposition of Copper/Tungsten Composite Coatings
    1_7_11Radionova L. V., Faizov S. R., Sarafanov A. E.
    Mathematical Modelling of Low Temperature Solder Direct Extrusion
    1_7_12Radionova L. V., Samodurova M. N., Chaplygin B. A.
    Improving the Performance Characteristics of the Drawing Machine Intermediate Block Working Surface by Additive Technologies
    1_7_13Erdakov I.N., Glebov L.A., Pashkeev K., Bykov V., Bryk A., Lezin V., RadionovaL.V.
    Effect of the Ti6Al4V Alloy Track Trajectories on Mechanical Properties in Direct Metal Deposition
    1_7_14Гордиевских М.А.
    Повышение эксплуатационных свойств тягового барабана волочильного стана методами аддитивных технологий